1. curious ... what's real

2.3 meg
coldplay, american beauty, ben kweller
2. open our eyes

4.5 meg
plans -death cab for cutie, a.b.
3. it's not meant to be like this

5.8 meg
the walk -imogen heap, a.b.
4. jeremy spoke in class today

5.5 meg
jeremy -pearl jam (please watch the video!)
5. the power of example

3.9 meg
hallelujah -martin sexton, a.b.
6. mercy in a big hard world

5.1 meg
hard sun -eddie vedder, a.b.
7. so alive / love all the pain away

6.4 meg
third eye blind, kyau v. albert
8. breathe me

6.0 meg
breathe me by sia (mylo remix)
9. beauty

3.9 meg
audio, end of american beauty
10. i know there is so much more

4.8 meg
brett dennen
11. naked

2.5 meg
alan, clumsy -our lady of peace, a.b.
Or, download a .zip file to get all 11 .mp3 tracks at once:

(20081222_december2008.zip, 49 megs)
so in past years it was basically a mix cd, with some alanpiano mixed in. this year it ended up being sort of a small play, sort of (ha), at least in my head... you can download the mp3s on the left.
there's random stuff at the end, including a link to the original pearl jam jeremy video (watch the jeremy video) that played on MTV in 1992, which i think is an amazing video, and i just really like that they did it, and how they did it. also some american beauty screen captures and dialogue, somehow, in my weird emotional little head, this all goes together. :)
forgive us god, for we have received mercy and compassion from you, yet we remain unwilling to become involved in the pains and problems we see all around us. restore us in our christian responsibility as agents of reconciliation, and ambassadors of christ.
[ it is estimated that as many as 2/3 of sexual minority youth attempt suicide and that 30-40% of all teenage suicides are accounted for by sexual minority youth ]